Stick Fight: Switching to text book
Syed Tanvir Islam
Edited by MD Niamul Alam
100 years ago, at the time of British colonial rules land
lord’s used the stick fighters for their safety and to collect revenue. In the
evolution of 100 years stick fighting (Bengali: লাঠিখেলা) was becoming popular as a game in many
places of northern-western part. After the fall of British rules land lords
custom became evicted which abolished the effectiveness of stick fighter. But inheritably it became a game which is about to defunct today.
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who plays with stick treated as stick fighter. Such few stick fighters showed
up in southern part of Rajshahi District. Ershad Mandal, a well known stick
fighter of that region. His ancestors were stick force of land lords. Thus inheritably
he was introduced with the game at the age of 15. For impressive artfulness he
was the commander of his team. He was associated with the art for 20-22 years.
says about the game, “This traditional game is a game of art and power. It is a
drama of physical feat. Besides the game song and dance also exhibit. By the
Arts of the game, winners are determined. I awarded with many prizes by
entertaining spectators”.
legends have onset initially into games as fancy like as cricket, football,
tennis. At next this fancy turned into professionalism by efforts. Likewise
stick fighters have tried to take the game as professional. Abdur Rahman – another
stick fighter expresses their feelings about the scenario of the game.
on the Moon of Mahram we started this game. We started our preparation as early
as possible being finished domestic works. Being completed the preparation we
used to go many house in local area to show stick fight. We used to entertain
people by the art of game. Being amused people awarded us by tips sometimes
grand invitation to their houses. When fair took place we used to show our art
of the game in it and we honored with prize-bond by fair committee”.
to adversity of fate the stick fighters could not able to take it
professionally. Their income from the Game hosts and spectators was
insufficient to run their family as this game was considered as a seasonal
the number of stick fighters became decreased as the game took place in some
occasions of a year and rest of the time they worked as day labor because by
the earned money from the game was not enough to maintain their family. It was
the mail reason that we decreased our interest to continue the game fruitfully.
Prejudications are another factor for which we moved away from the game”, Abdur
Rahman explains.
former chairman of Sarda union Matiur Rahman, is a big
fan of this game. He used to sponsor mutually with some NGO’s to arrange the
game occasionally. A proverb goes, “where there is will there is way”. But he
believes sometimes it is very hard to get way though there is a will. So mutual
efforts can bring back this stick game.
says. “Stick game is the tradition of 200 years old. To maintain the tradition,
we need financial donation and encouragement from the government. In addition
we have move away from Prejudications.
desire to teach is by inherent. The proper success is implicated in teaching
others And to have this success, Stick fighters were regardless. But they
defeated by cruel fate.Once stick fighters were so powerful but at present they
are confound by powerlessness. Today they regret it through mind rather than
beat of stick. Ershad Mondol says with wry smile, “I could not spread out the stick
game”. Who will now fulfill their cherished demand or the memoir of stick
fighters will be shut in the text of books. By overcoming financial limitations
and over looking Prejudications we can recover the tradition of stick fighting.
Mashrur Niloy
Editor: MD
Niamul Alam Siddiqui
A football
player who is waiting for good time of football. He comes from Faridpur
district. He is come from a poor family. At the time his income was 25 to 30 thousand
taka but now he is earning 5 to 6 lakh taka per year. His Father was also a
football player but his Father was not interested to his son to play football.
We are talking about Mr. JafarIkbal who is now player of Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi
football club.
From the
childhood he was very much interested to play football. The reason of playing
football was his father. In that time his cousin was play football but he could
not able to play. He was jealous to his cousin and he promised to play well
then his cousin.
In school
level when he was class seven he tried play it bigger. The senior brother of
his school did not give him chance to play football. The senior brother always plays
with their friends and the junior did not get any chance to play. That time was
very angry on them and promised himself to play it well at any cost. He worked
hard to be with them and that hard work and angry mind help to made a football
player. In a football match he played very well and his coach offered him to
practice. His father was not supported him that time. But in that level he
played very well than his father made him free to play football.
In the
district level he was trapped in football politics. He played well but not
getting chance in best eleven. He thinks now the football is into the bad
politics. in that time the coach was liked him but he was unable to get him in
best eleven. Who’s are favorite to the authority they were selected to play in
best eleven. For that reason, he was in side bench. Then he moves to Dhaka and
he started practice in Dhaka. Now he is not interested to play the district
level football in Faridpur.
In Dhaka
everyone is very professional. everyone is try to play well. When he came in
Dhaka he understood he is now a matured one and he had to do something. He
needed to play football of his career or needed to do other work. He could not
able to study for football. If he not played well that he could not sustain. That
time he fully taken it as a professional. The player of around him was very
serious. To play with them he had learnt many skills. Someone help him and
someone not.
At the first
time he had taken football as a hobby. In 2006 he had taken it as a profession
in a club. He worked hard that time for his club. Sometimes he went to hire in
several areas. When he gets hired that time he was very skilled for that.He had
played many district as a hired player. In many district he had played for
In our rural
level there are many talent plyers. But they are not under nursery. Football is
in our blood. Our nation loves it very much. We many talents but they don’t
have any opportunity to play. We don’t have any system to pick up the talent
now. Now the people just play for fun.
At the first
time he couldn’t help his family but now he can help his family. In the first
time he earned 25 to 30 thousand but now it’s 5 to 6 lakhs take. So very easily
he can help his family now.
He thinks that
the football was not so good. In the current time it also not good. But now
it’s in under processing. Many organizations have come to help football. It’s a
great step for football he thinks. Now everyone plays fast football than past.
Many organizations sponsored but money where its going he doesn’t want to
opinion. He just plays football and trust on Bangladesh Football
Our football
is now like a dying condition. It needs oxygen otherwise we cannot save it.
Because of neglect of federation and less support from supporters. But in
outside they have money, good condition and huge support. In India they are
trying wake up their football. The Bollywood superstars are inspiring to play
football but we don’t have in our country. Do it fast we need oxygen
He thinks in
football there is no future. After football he want to business.
Less facility in shooting games
Reporter: Masud Parvez Ovi
Editor: MD Niamul Alam Siddiqui
‘’Shooting player does not take shooting games as a
profession. Because 95% Shooter do not gets money from the shooting club or
Bangladesh shooting Federation. ’’Said Hasibul Hasan .
Hasibul Hasan is a player of Bangladesh shooting
Sports Federation. When he read in class 10, Narayanganj Raifel club arrange a
program and the program name is shooter hunt. He was selected as a last member.
Becausehe was so young. First three month he was watching the Game. After that
Narayanganj Raifel club coach give him gun for play. On the first day he became
first. This year Inter club shooting tournament he got silver medal.
He said that if any shooter got national medal they
get very small money from the club. If the medal is gold then the club gives
7000 taka from club per month. If the medal is silver then the club gives 5000
taka. If the medal is bronze then the club gives 3000 taka. This money is not
good enough for survive. For this reason most of the shooting player connected
with another work to earn money. Government gives many facilities but this
Facility never rich to the general player. Those player had a good connection
with the club they got this facilities. Army can play shooting games. Army shooter
gets more facility then the general shooter because they had lots of fun and
other thing for practice. They can practice 24 hour. Normal shooter does not get this kind of
facilities. But civilian shooter is better than army on the play ground. Civilian
shooter loves this games but army shooter takes this game as a profession.
He again said that game is always an addiction. Now the time has not come to take the game as a career. There is much reason behind that. . Shooting is a very expensive game. It’s not possible to play without help of club or shooting Federation .secondly every time we cannot depend on club. Suppose every day you have to run 5 kilometer for physically feet and you have to take extra calories, where are you getting money for this food? Club gives us money but is it ok? There is a question .A gun price is 3 lakh. It is not possible for a shooter to buy a gun for shooting. Now there is a election On Narayanganj. We will not practice for 20 days. Because we cannot use gun .A shooter is like a engine , if you stop this engine for few days then the engine does not work properly.
He added said ‘’ At present Baki is the star because he has an international medal .When Mustafijur played well on one match ,two match or every match ,he got offer for advertisement and he had sponsor but baki also played well, how much he had sponsor. And how much advertisement company knows about the shooting game. If Baki get chance for Advertisement people knows who is baki and it also branding of shooting games. ‘’
He again added that our neighbor country India take very well planning. On this country there is a ration for shooting player. If they fulfill the set point they get ration .For this reason Indian shooter get more facilities then Bangladesh.
Personally If somebody wants learn shooting game, they need 8 lakh cause the gun price is lakh the jacket price is also 3 luck and any other thing for two lakh .And this is very hard to manage this money.
Narayanganj raifel club has only 3 shooter those has no second profession. Because they had a lots of national and international medals . But without this three member every of the member has a second profession. Money is the great fector.If any shooter get gold medal ,he can earn1.5 lakh to 2 lakh. This money is not perfect for survive. For this reason they took another profession and they cannot practice.
Bangladeshi shooting player get some advantage because player hight is perfect for shooting . European shooting player has a great problem because they are very tall. On that side Bangladeshi shooter has advantage.1971 also a reason for doing well in shooting.
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